Atlas Grace — September Report 2022

5 min readOct 3, 2022

“ Demonstrating Star Atlas as a viable economic model to create change. Donating proceeds to IRL charities and a vision to providing web 3 education and tools for disadvantage youth in Cambodia. ”

September, September, what a month to remember! So much growth with the POLIS locker & Star Atlas ship fleet. We also had great community interest & involvement including a news piece from the legends at Hologram News!

The article goes into some back story on yours truly (Arktype) and the genesis story of how Atlas Grace came into being. Well worth the read as it gives some context into why it is that I do what I do. You can read the full story here.

Arktype & wife aka “Superwoman” at Hope Kids Home, Northern Thailand

Star Atlas Fleet Report

Three new ships were added to the fleet this month. These came from Star Atlas Community members reaching out on social media and asking how they can get involved. Not only am I taken back by the generosity, but that the trust and friendships that have been established where now we can start to work together on a common goal.

The fleet now consists of 49 ships currently staked in SCORE, earning approx. 49.043 $ATLAS per day (not including resources). Here’s the breakdown of what the fleet in rocking:

8 x FIMBUL ECOS Unibomba
14 x FIMBUL Airbike
1 x FIMBUL Lowbie
13 x PEARCE X4
1 x VZUS Solos
12 x OPAL Jet

Eventually SCORE gameplay will sunset, so these will remain in the wallet and be leased for free to Khmer youth in Cambodia. This will allow them to jump into the Star Atlas metaverse without the need for any upfront cost and have them earning their own assets within the play to earn economy.

POLIS Locker Report

Polis Locker Balance (as of September 30th) is 1'044.6289 POLIS earning Approx. 2.03 Polis per day.

The locker was at 643.1839 POLIS at the beginning of the month. 346.23 POLIS was contributed and 55.2147 POLIS rewards were earned and compounded back into the locker.

2023 will mark a shift in focus for the Atlas Grace wallet. 50% of rewards from both the SCORE program and the Polis Locker will be compounded with the remaining 50% being donated to IRL (In Real Life) charities at the end of each month. These donations will be made to verified charity wallets and receipt of the transfer hash number will be made public for full transparency (this is the beauty of the blockchain). Step Finance already has a number of reputable charities linked on their site to chose from. These choices will be posted for followers of the Atlas Grace wallet Twitter page to vote on, which in turn will create community involvement and bring awareness to these causes.

The Kosmos Hotel Partners with Atlas Grace

I love making friends in the Star Atlas community and love seeing our friends succeed. I had the privilege of connecting with Amarquez1_ from The Kosmos Hotel. He was working on a rebranding for his Star Atlas Business and I happened to have the skills he needed for the job. Amarquez1_ score a classy logo design for his business, and offered to partner with Atlas Grace and generously donated to the POLIS Locker. The Star Atlas community truly has a family feel and I love that we are all connecting in a positive and productive way.

By 2024 the goal is to have a free community workspace set up in Siem Reap Cambodia. This is something I had previously set up in 2013 to 2018 so the process would be much the same and would be well received as it had been during my previous time living and teaching in Cambodia.

The vision is to have free educational workshops where young adults could learn a number skills including Graphic & Web Design, Video Production & Editing, Animation & 3D Design as well as financial literacy, cryptocurrency, blockchain, web 3, play to earn gaming and of course all things Star Atlas.

A number of gaming PC’s would be available to use and the Star Atlas ship assets could be available to use in game, free of charge. This would allow players to dive into the Star Atlas metaverse and gameplay without any up front costs and start earning within the game.

Currently this wallet is being managed by myself. I have not asked for any donations although the wallet address has been made public so there is full transparency with the Star Atlas community. Nothing entering the wallet has, nor will ever leave the wallet unless that of a charity donation with transaction hash receipt. I do however believe that this is something much bigger than myself so I am hoping to transition to a multi-signature wallet with a board of trusted members that can over see unanimously decide on future distribution of funds to IRL charities.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the Atlas Grace wallet, please do not hesitate to reach out to me on Twitter.

Atlas Grace Twitter Account
Arktype Twitter Account




Artist, Designer, Maker of things. Founder of Atlas Grace - a web3 initiative using Star Atlas gaming assets to empower disadvantaged youth.