“ Demonstrating Star Atlas as a viable economic model to create change. Donating proceeds to IRL charities and a vision to providing web 3 education and tools for disadvantage youth in Cambodia. ”
As another month wraps up for Atlas Grace, we’ve definitely noticed a change in the air. There’s a certain sense of excitement within the Star Atlas, Solana and broader Crypto community. Star Atlas is about to take the main stage at the Solana BreakPoint event in Amsterdam and more people are finding their way into the Star Atlas ecosystem, All helped along by a successful launch of Sage Labs by the team at ATMTA.
There’s also been a change in some of the day to day custodian duties of Atlas Grace. With R4 prices still climbing high, more and more ships are no longer profitable within Faction Fleet. The logical move was to remove those ships and find alternative ways to generate profits so that we still have a healthy amount to donate at the end of the month.
One possibility is to sell the ships and return the funds to the Atlas or Polis locker which would provide a more passive way to earn. However the goal for Atlas Grace is still to have 100 ships by years end. This will allow us to have a healthy amount of actual game assets to lend out for free once we can build out a physical location in Siem Reap Cambodia and invite the youth to the wonderful world of Star Atlas and have them learn, game, upskill and earn without the need for any upfront costs.
Being part of the amazing community of Star Atlas has opened my eyes to the endless possibilities to build within the web3 world. This is something I’m excited to share with disadvantage Khmer youth as they are some of the most talented, creative, hard working people I know. This is really something both they and the Star Atlas community will benefit from.
Star Atlas Fleet Report
The fleet now consists of 99 ships & 11 Claim Stakes. As the Claim Stakes remain in Faction Fleet, the remaining ships are currently on mission mining Hydrogen in Sage Labs. This is then refined into Fuel and sold on the Galactic Marketplace. 50 percent of these sales are compounded into the Atlas Locker and the remaining 50 percent is exchanged for USDC and donated at the end of each month.
Here’s what fleet we rockin’ :
13 x FIMBUL ECOS Unibomba
23 x FIMBUL Airbike
3 x FIMBUL Lowbie
24 x PEARCE X4
8 x VZUS Solos
23 x OPAL Jet
4 x OPAL Jetjet
Locker Report
Polis Locker Balance (as of October 31st) is 6'781.76 $POLIS earning approx. 7.9 $POLIS per day.
The locker was at 6‘555.72 POLIS at the beginning of the month. 226 $POLIS was added and 126 $POLIS rewards were earned with 50% compounded back into the locker and 50% exchanged daily for USDC.
Atlas Locker Balance (as of October 31st) is 58'000 $ATLAS earning approx. 0.17 $POLIS per day as well as receiving a 10% fee reduction on surplus R4 sold on the secondary marketplace.
Donation Report
A Twitter poll was sent out for the Star Atlas community to vote on. We had 79 votes with more than 58% choosing Kids Cancer Alliance as the beneficiary of this months funds.
With the Twitter post having links to the projects within the thread, we hope that this also brings awareness to the charities mentioned and inspires some to give directly.
4,650 Atlas emissions
121.47 Polis emissions
converted daily to USDC
Total = $24.60 USDC
The Kids Cancer Alliance wallet address and record of the transaction can be found here usingSolscan.
What’s Next For Atlas Grace?
We will continue to donate monthly to IRL charities using the Star Atlas Fleet & Locker staking rewards. The longer vision is to set up a physical location in Siem Reap Cambodia where teens & young adults can have a safe and fun environment to learn, game & make friends not only in their local area but online amongst THE BEST web3 gaming community out there.
As many of you may already know, Siem Reap is a place near and dear to my heart. I spent more than 5 years teaching, mentoring and building friendships and connections there. I hope to return in 2023 where I can once again continue this work, setting up gaming computers, holding free workshops and teaching financial literacy, 3D & graphic design and of course all things Star Atlas.
I look forward to bringing you more good news in next month’s report. If you found this report worthwhile please follow along on Medium & Twitter.