“ Demonstrating Star Atlas as a viable economic model to create change. Donating proceeds to IRL charities and a vision to providing web 3 education and tools for disadvantage youth in Cambodia. ”
It’s hard to put into words the feelings I’ve had over the past year growing the Atlas Grace wallet. And rather than resulting to Chat GPT for a slick sounding recap, I thought it best to keep it real and speak from the heart. So here’s my writing attempts, warts and all!
If you’d asked me at the beginning of this journey where I thought things would be after 1 year I couldn’t have imagined being anywhere close to where we are at. What started as a couple of XXS ships from the Star Atlas Shipmas giveaway and a couple of hundred $POLIS has now grown into a sustainable and viable way to support those less fortunate.
It’s been a slow and steady approach adding what Polis I can each month as well as any XXS ships I spotted at a discount on the marketplace. But beware the steady march of compound growth! Looking at the wallet now and it has a very healthy balance of not only ships but of Polis too.
I was also able to lend my skills to those in the Star Atlas community by providing graphic design services and in exchange their commitment to donate something of their choosing to the Atlas Grace wallet. And yes I could have just charged them for my rate as a designer and definitely added more to the fund that way, but as a result I earned honor, trust and respect from my fellow community members.
By doing this I was able to take Atlas Grace from something I was building, to now something the community now has ownership in, which has always been the end goal. The Hologram News Network, The Kosmos Hotel & Scythe Guild now join the list of our supporters.
I’d be remised if I didn’t also mention my good friend Venom from Scythe Guild who donated 5 Star Atlas ships in 2022 which are now enlisted and earning ATLAS emissions.
Star Atlas Fleet Report
The fleet now consists of 73 ships currently staked in SCORE, earning approx. 74.76 $ATLAS per day (not including resources). After resources were purchased each day, 100% of the $ATLAS emissions were exchanged for USDC. Here’s the breakdown of what the fleet we rockin’ :
9 x FIMBUL ECOS Unibomba
18 x FIMBUL Airbike
1 x FIMBUL Lowbie
18 x PEARCE X4
5 x VZUS Solos
21 x OPAL Jet
Eventually SCORE gameplay will sunset, so these will remain in the wallet and be leased for free to Khmer youth in Cambodia. This will allow them to jump into the Star Atlas metaverse without the need for any upfront cost and have them earning their own assets within the play to earn economy.
POLIS Locker Report
Polis Locker Balance (as of January 31st) is 2,420.63 POLIS earning Approx. 3.6 POLIS per day.
The locker was at 1,601.16 POLIS at the beginning of the month. 764.2027 POLIS was contributed and 103.8422 POLIS rewards were earned with 50% compounded back into the locker and 50% exchanged daily for USDC.
Now with both the $ATLAS and $POLIS emissions being collected for the month and echanged to USDC it’s time to put this to good use and donate to an IRL charity…
Donation Report
2023 marks a shift in focus for the Atlas Grace wallet. 100% of emissions from the Star Atlas Faction Fleet program along with 50% of emissions from the Polis Locker will be donated each month to IRL charities. The remanding 50% of Polis emissions compounded back into the locker to continue it’s upward growth.
The goal for this month was to raise at least $20.00 USDC which we comfortably achieved after some big contributions by our friends in the Star Atlas community as previously mentioned, which bumped our projected total well over the twenty dollar mark.
1'698.37 Atlas emissions
51.89 Polis emissions
converted daily to USDC
Total = $23.18 USDC
What’s Next For Atlas Grace?
These donations will be made to verified charity wallets and receipt of the transfer hash number will be made public for full transparency (this is the beauty of the blockchain). Step Finance already has a number of reputable charities linked on their site to chose from. These choices will be posted for followers of the Atlas Grace wallet Twitter page to vote on, which in turn will create community involvement and bring awareness to these causes.
Step Finance
Charity Water
Save The Children
Pencils Of Promise
Project Hope
Vote now on the Atlas Grace Twitter account
After a vote from the Star Atlas community, it was decided that charity: water would recieve January’s donations.
We used the donate tab on the Step Finance website to easily select the reputable charity and donate directly to their verified Solana address. The beauty of the blockchain means that there is full transparency and immutability of our donations.
You can find the transaction receipt here on Solscan for anyone interested:
If you have any questions or would like to know more about the Atlas Grace wallet, please do not hesitate to reach out to me on Twitter.