Atlas Grace — December Report 2023

5 min readJan 2, 2024

“ Demonstrating Star Atlas as a viable economic model to create change. Donating proceeds to IRL charities and a vision to providing web 3 education and tools for disadvantage youth in Cambodia. ”

Happy new year and welcome to Atlas Grace’s latest recap! This month, the spirit of giving took flight as we saw a mind blowing amount of $PURI coin gifts from our supportive community and Star Atlas team members. From donated ships to multiple asset acquisitions, compounded $POLIS, and an all time high charity fundraising month. We’ll also give a recap on 2023 so stick around as we unpack these meaningful milestones — let’s dive in!

Star Atlas Fleet Report

The fleet now comprises 132 ships and 11 Claim Stakes. Our original target was 100 ships by year’s end, a milestone we’ve completely surpassed. Having more ships enables us to participate in SAGE labs and compound our efforts. Once scholarships and ship lending go live, we can offer these resources for free to our scholars, enabling them to enter the game and start earning without any upfront costs. The aim is for them to eventually earn enough to purchase their own ships. The expansion of ships in the Atlas Grace fleet signifies the potential to support more scholars through the program. Alternatively, for the scholars already involved, it means access to larger fleets, accelerating their path to independence and allowing them to establish themselves in the Star Atlas metaverse.

With the inclusion of $PURI coins in our treasury, we’ve aimed to use them responsibly, avoiding any potential selling pressure on this newly established asset. One approach we’ve adopted is conducting over-the-counter (OTC) purchases of ships from other members within the Star Atlas community who wish to retain $PURI holdings. It has been remarkable to witness certain community members offering substantial discounts when learning that the acquisition is for Atlas Grace. Noteworthy among these purchases are a Fimbul BYOS Earp, Pearce X6, and even a Pearce F4, deviating from our usual strategy of stacking xx-small ships. The significance of these acquisitions means we now have an accelerated compound growth within SAGE labs and providing us with future possibilities. These options include potentially profitable resales of the larger ships, leasing them to the public for revenue generation, or retaining them for training scholars and rewarding high achievers.

Here’s what fleet we rockin’ :

December Fleet Report showing the number of assets held by Atlas Grace

12 x Tier 1 Claim Stakes
13 x FIMBUL ECOS Unibomba
29 x FIMBUL Airbike
7 x FIMBUL Lowbie
26 x PEARCE X4
18 x VZUS Solos
28x OPAL Jet
4 x OPAL Jetjet
1 x OGRIKA Niruch
1 x CALICO Maxhog

Locker Report

Polis Locker Balance (as of December 31st) is 7'166 $POLIS earning approx. 8.0 $POLIS per day.

The locker was at 7'041.07 POLIS at the beginning of the month. 125 $POLIS was added and 247 $POLIS rewards were earned with 50% compounded back into the locker and 50% exchanged daily for USDC.

Atlas Locker Balance (as of December 31st) is 77'777 $ATLAS earning approx. 0.22 $POLIS per day as well as receiving a 10% fee reduction on surplus R4 sold on the secondary marketplace.

December Locker Report showing assets locked.

Donation Report

With the recent pump in prices of $ATLAS and $POLIS, this month was an exceptionally good month for donations. One can only imagine where things go from here heading into a bull market.

December Donation Report showing emissions from the Star Atlas staking and their conversion to USDC. This monthly total of USDC is donated to an IRL charity.

4,650 Atlas emissions
123.62 Polis emissions
converted daily to USDC
Total = $96.20 USDC

We typically conduct a monthly Twitter (X) poll to gather votes from the community regarding where they would like to see the donations directed. However, at times, we prefer to highlight an organization with which we have a personal connection.

This month, we had the honor of donating to Cambodian Children’s Fund, which is one of the largest NGO’s in Cambodia, and with good reason. CCF has helped more than 3,500 children and their families with a pathway out of poverty. They focus on education and building resilient young leaders which is paramount to ending the poverty cycle.

I had the privilege of visiting their education center in Phnom Penh and working on designs for a sustainable rooftop garden project and acoustic bamboo ceilings for their covered walkways. I hope to connect with them again in the future and look forward to seeing more of their amazing work in 2024.

Transaction receipt of donation. The USDC was converted to SOL and sent through The Giving Block.

The Cambodian Children’s Fund wallet address and record of the transaction can be found here usingSolscan. You can learn more about Cambodian Children’s Fund on their official website:

Atlas Grace is now a proud supporter of Cambodian Children’s Fund.

2023 Recap

It’s been an amazing year for Atlas Grace to say the least. We started our monthly donations to charities using 50% of locker emissions. Grew our fleet over our target of 100 ships, gained more recognition from the Star Atlas community, and most importantly were able to raise more awareness for some incredible charities making real change in the world. We all talk about a fair, equal and inclusive web3 and our mission is to put that into practice!

A look back at 2023 and the charities we’ve been able to support along the way.

What’s Next For Atlas Grace?

We will continue to donate monthly to IRL charities using the Star Atlas Fleet & Locker staking rewards. The longer vision is to set up a physical location in Siem Reap Cambodia where teens & young adults can have a safe and fun environment to learn, game & make friends not only in their local area but online amongst THE BEST web3 gaming community out there.

As many of you may already know, Siem Reap is a place near and dear to my heart. I spent more than 5 years teaching, mentoring and building friendships and connections there. I will be returning in February 2024 where I can once again continue this work, setting up gaming computers, holding free workshops and teaching financial literacy, 3D & graphic design and of course all things Star Atlas.

I look forward to bringing you more good news in next month’s report. If you found this report worthwhile please follow along on Medium & Twitter.

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Artist, Designer, Maker of things. Founder of Atlas Grace - a web3 initiative using Star Atlas gaming assets to empower disadvantaged youth.