Atlas Grace — August Report 2023

4 min readSep 2, 2023


“ Demonstrating Star Atlas as a viable economic model to create change. Donating proceeds to IRL charities and a vision to providing web 3 education and tools for disadvantage youth in Cambodia. ”

If you’ve been following the Atlas Grace Twitter page, you would have noticed quite a few milestones achieved for the month of August. Not only did we surpass 6'000 $POLIS locked, but also 20'000 $ATLAS now locked earning even more for the growth of the project.

However the best growth we’ve seen so far has been with community awareness for what we’re doing. Not only have we had the continuous support from folks like Enigma42 donating 10% of porofits from his Star Atlas 3D models. But we also had a ship donation from other community members and a shout out from Beyondthehorizon on his Youtube channel where he donated 1 $POLIS for each of his subscribers. This was obviously a nice tick up on the daily locker emissions to be donated, but more importantly it’s garnered more awareness for Atlas Grace and the work we do.

The hope is not just to have one single Atlas Grace account, but that it might inspire others to start something of their own in a similar vain.

Star Atlas Fleet Report

The fleet now consists of 96 ships & 11 Claim Stakes currently staked in Star Atlas Faction Fleet, earning 146.50 $ATLAS and approx. 75k R4 per day.

However with the recent spike in R4 costs, some ships are reportedly running at a negative. With this information we decided to remove them from Faction Fleet staking. Now that they are not consuming R4 generated from the wallets Claim Stakes, the excess R4 is being sold on the secondary market for a good amount of $ATLAS. In other words, there’s always a silver lining and an opportunity for those paying attention to the game. And yes, the game has already started!

Here’s what fleet we rockin’ :

August Fleet Report showing the number of assets held by Atlas Grace

12 x FIMBUL ECOS Unibomba
23x FIMBUL Airbike
3 x FIMBUL Lowbie
24 x PEARCE X4
6 x VZUS Solos
23 x OPAL Jet
4 x OPAL Jetjet

Eventually SCORE gameplay will sunset, so these will remain in the wallet and be leased for free to Khmer youth in Cambodia. This will allow them to jump into the Star Atlas metaverse without the need for any upfront cost and have them earning their own assets within the play and earn economy.

Locker Report

Polis Locker Balance (as of August 31st) is 6'023 $POLIS earning approx. 7.2 $POLIS per day.

The locker was at 5‘815.79 POLIS at the beginning of the month. 101 $POLIS was added and 220 $POLIS rewards were earned with 50% compounded back into the locker and 50% exchanged daily for USDC.

Atlas Locker Balance (as of August 31st) is 20'000 $ATLAS earning approx. 0.06 $POLIS per day as well as receiving a 10% fee reduction on surplus R4 sold on the secondary marketplace.

August Locker Report showing assets locked.

Donation Report

A Twitter poll was sent out for the Star Atlas community to vote on. We had a whopping 84 votes with over 40% choosing SOS Children USA as the beneficiary of this months funds.

This was by far the most engagement we’ve had on a Twitter poll, and with links to the projects within the thread, we hope that this also brings awareness to the charities mentioned and inspires some to give directly.

August Donation Report showing emissions from the Star Atlas staking emissions and their conversion to USDC. This monthly total of USDC is donated to an IRL charity, chosen by the Star Atlas community.

4,650 Atlas emissions
110.39 Polis emissions
converted daily to USDC
Total = $22.31 USDC

Transaction receipt of donation. The USDC was converted to SOL and sent through The Giving Block to the verified charity wallet address.

We used the The Giving Block website to donate to the verified SOS Children USA wallet address and record of the transaction can be found here using Solscan

Atlas Grace is now a proud supporter of SOS Children’s Villages.

What’s Next For Atlas Grace?

We will continue to donate monthly to IRL charities using the Star Atlas Fleet & Locker staking rewards. The longer vision is to set up a physical location in Siem Reap Cambodia where teens & young adults can have a safe and fun environment to learn, game & make friends not only in their local area but online amongst THE BEST web3 gaming community out there.

As many of you may already know, Siem Reap is a place near and dear to my heart. I spent more than 5 years teaching, mentoring and building friendships and connections there. I hope to return in 2023 where I can once again continue this work, setting up gaming computers, holding free workshops and teaching financial literacy, 3D & graphic design and of course all things Star Atlas.

I look forward to bringing you more good news in next month’s report. If you found this report worthwhile please follow along on Medium & Twitter.

Atlas Grace Twitter Account
Arktype Twitter Account




Artist, Designer, Maker of things. Founder of Atlas Grace - a web3 initiative using Star Atlas gaming assets to empower disadvantaged youth.